LISA RENEE: “War Declared Over Disclosure”

“A Full Disclosure Event is referring to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveal the most detailed scenarios of our true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History and not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records that have enslaved the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Humans would be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments, additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation breeding programs on planet and off planet. How earth, human resources and technology are used as bartering tools for trade in a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. A Full Disclosure Event includes revealing ‘who is who’ in the Power Elite Globalist groups and the Negative Alien groups that have abused their power on the earth, and are required to restore energetic balance with the crimes they have made against humanity by being accountable and making amends in Natural Laws. At this time, the Black Suns have upped their game and refuse to cooperate with agreements for disclosure, thus for many of us on the ground which have the spiritual mission that supports full disclosure, it is really all up to us acting as independent journalists and ascension-disclosure guides to pull it down together. Humanity is deeply mired within a deliberate orchestration of targeted spiritual warfare designed explicitly to generate ripples of panic and terror in their minds, in order to control their perceptions about the nature of reality. Many remain unaware that the Black Sun forces are organizing themselves on the battle field, preparing for the next stage of global Spiritual Warfare, bringing with them massive amounts of Universal and Galactic shadows, the hauntings of our warring history with the NAA. They are spreading mass propaganda claiming this is some random event of viral plague stemming from unknown sources. Nothing about this current agenda to terrorize the earth inhabitants is natural or organic, it has been premeditated and planned by those who have been handsomely paid off to offer the rest of us up as a sacrifice, to cover up the Black Sun agenda and plan further attacks against human sovereignty. Starseeds must do all we can to protect our heart-lungs and expand our consciousness into zero point, embody our Diamond Sun template, as we came to the earth at this time for this very reason. Those of us awake to this final conflict battle in the grid, are undergoing heavy targeting and the weaponization of sleepers around us. Dark Portals or Demon Seed Sleepers are orchestrated by the NAA opposers to derail the Starseed groups spiritual progress, which is intended to stop us from embodying the ascension template and working the unique pieces of our divine mission in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. Those on this mission especially must support each other with unconditional love, kindness and Unity in group solidarity of securing spiritual liberation for the human race and the planet, in order to keep the disclosure event on the table and anchor the organic timelines of Ascension for humanity.”

~Lisa Renee

In addition to recent developments, the Black Suns are pushing a global culture of fear, intimidation and aggression tactics in an attempt to derail and then ultimately extinguish any further progress being made in the orchestration of a Full Disclosure Event for earth inhabitants. As a byproduct of aggression taken by the Black Sun agenda against other nonhuman groups, recent events are designed to take disclosure to the public off the table entirely. Some in the Belial and other groups were favoring some form of a non-false flag version of disclosure to be made to the earth population soon, and this recent aggression was effectively used as a veto of that strategy. Thus, the aggressive takeover towards progressing the Black Sun groups immediate goals for instituting the One World Order are being taken to another level of action on the ground now. Many powerful CEO’s and Board Chairman profiles have stepped down from their multinational corporate posts, which included overseeing commercial industries on and off planet for Black Sun groups, in order to regroup and gather their alliances to plan for their next strategy.

A Full Disclosure Event is referring to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveal the most detailed scenarios of our true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History and not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records that have enslaved the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Humans would be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments, additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation breeding programs on planet and off planet. How earth, human resources and technology are used as bartering tools for trade in a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. A Full Disclosure Event includes revealing ‘who is who’ in the Power Elite Globalist groups and the Negative Alien groups that have abused their power on the earth, and are required to restore energetic balance with the crimes they have made against humanity by being accountable and making amends in Natural Laws. At this time, the Black Suns have upped their game and refuse to cooperate with agreements for disclosure, thus for many of us on the ground which have the spiritual mission that supports full disclosure, it is really all up to us acting as independent journalists and ascension-disclosure guides to pull it down together.

Humanity is deeply mired within a deliberate orchestration of targeted spiritual warfare designed explicitly to generate ripples of panic and terror in their minds, in order to control their perceptions about the nature of reality. Many remain unaware that the Black Sun forces are organizing themselves on the battle field, preparing for the next stage of global Spiritual Warfare, bringing with them massive amounts of Universal and Galactic shadows, the hauntings of our warring history with the NAA. They are spreading mass propaganda claiming this is some random event of viral plague stemming from unknown sources. Nothing about this current agenda to terrorize the earth inhabitants is natural or organic, it has been premeditated and planned by those who have been handsomely paid off to offer the rest of us up as a sacrifice, to cover up the Black Sun agenda and plan further attacks against human sovereignty.

Thus, there is a consciousness war raging for the future direction, spiritual freedom and sovereignty of humanity on the earth, rather than a mysterious plague devastating the earth. The organism has shown to be genetically modified containing the imprint of the Caduceus False Asclepius Rod, which is an AI network installation that broadcast from the Metagalactic Core and is intended to deform the human spiritual body. This is designed to attack the human lightbody vertical channels and inner spiritual connection, oppress the heart-lung center with fear and grief, steal the holy spirit from within our breath pattern and crush the Permanent Seed Atom matrix, in the 8D sphere of the inner Christos base 12 template. However, this mutation is not spreading into the global population as had been anticipated, much due to the fact the architecture of the earth and the ascending hubs of the collective consciousness are radically shifting beyond the inversions and scope of some of the Reversal Networks.

Starseeds must do all we can to protect our heart-lungs and expand our consciousness into zero point, embody our Diamond Sun template, as we came to the earth at this time for this very reason. Those of us awake to this final conflict battle in the grid, are undergoing heavy targeting and the weaponization of sleepers around us. Dark Portals or Demon Seed Sleepers are orchestrated by the NAA opposers to derail the Starseed groups spiritual progress, which is intended to stop us from embodying the ascension template and working the unique pieces of our divine mission in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. Those on this mission especially must support each other with unconditional love, kindness and Unity in group solidarity of securing spiritual liberation for the human race and the planet, in order to keep the disclosure event on the table and anchor the organic timelines of Ascension for humanity. [1]


  1. Pestilence Program

See Also:

Hidden Intergalactic Conflict

Black Sun

One World Order

Disclosure Hijack

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Fallen Angelic Schism Trauma”

“Confronting the truth of Humanity’s hidden history with the NAA and extra-dimensionals in the past, present and future and the accurate nature of what has been perpetrated against humanity. For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces.”

~Lisa Renee

Confronting the truth of Humanity’s hidden history with the NAA and extra-dimensionals in the past, present and future and the accurate nature of what has been perpetrated against humanity.

Demons or Fallen Angelics are a part of the human and nonhuman collective consciousness on the earth and exist as energetic interplay between human beings that were designed to manifest the required polarities that are necessary for manifestation in the material realms. In this density of the earth counterbalance points were required for the evolutionary process of “synthesis of these main polarities” through the three main sets of forces. However, many of these forces have been abused through the hidden NAA invasion histories and have created severe schisms and destruction that has harmed the evolution and genetics of the human race. [1]

666 Seal

For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. When the human consciousness was no longer a threat to the Planets or Universal Security the Seals are lifted and assistance is given to release them.

Fallen Angels

The Book of Enoch also lists leaders of the 200 fallen angels who married and commenced in unnatural union with human women, and who taught forbidden knowledge. Some are also listed in Book of Raziel (Sefer Raziel HaMalakh), the Zohar, and Jubilees. See Watchers.

First Hierarchy Fallen

Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces.


Schism: the division of a group into opposite factions; division within or separation from an established … [2]


  1. What Are Fallen Angelics?

See Also:

Fallen Angelics

Leviathan Races

~via Ascension Glossary

Photos by Ascension Avatar (7-14-2019 / 7-13-2019)

LISA RENEE: “Disclosure Hijack”

“For propaganda to be effective it has to have a mouthpiece, there must be key players or persons in positions of power with significant control over mass-communication media who are thought to have credibility with a large audience that makes them money. Controlled opposition is the predictable manipulation tactic of placing key people in key positions and into leadership roles of a particular movement, who many times have suddenly appeared and offered the public incredible facts or amazing nuggets of truth. Maybe it is a pundit personality looking to gather a large online following through disseminating the cabal wars through the QAnon movement. Maybe it’s a guru personality offering DNA activation and the ability to manifest anything you want. Power and influence are forces gathered through which they become a pied piper, a person that is celebrated, worshipped or made into a hero. The strategy of controlled opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack critical thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity. If we don’t realize that we are being lied to we are at a disadvantage. This blocks out our higher discernment in determining the quality of people and objects that are emanating these combinations of forces that are dark or light, positive or negative, alien or human, or anything else for that matter. Nevertheless, the disclosure event must eventually happen in order to reveal the deceptions, fraud and crimes against humanity made by those humans and nonhumans that have conspired to covertly generate global human slavery and mind control, by implementing the blueprint of the NAA groups for instigating world suffering for the purpose of creating a consciousness prison. Additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation programs on planet and off planet. Much of what we see harming people in the world today could be stopped with only critical thinking, common sense and the ability to reduce some selfishness and greed. Speaking of selfishness and greed, in order to better understand the Thothian Luciferians, the Thoth, Enki, Enlil entities and the Galactic Federation historical timeline tragedies on planet earth, we must go back in time to discover the original meaning behind the title of Lucifer.”

Humanity is enduring a hidden multidimensional battle for disclosure which is gradually happening as the collective consciousness shifts into higher dimensional planes as the result of the Ascension cycle. It is evident that there is a hijack of the disclosure movement in order to gain total control over how that particular content is being shared with the public. This is occurring via the spreading of familiar narratives and the same propaganda tactics that are used for the purpose of psychological manipulation of the intended audience and the key players. For propaganda to be effective it has to have a mouthpiece, there must be key players or persons in positions of power with significant control over mass-communication media who are thought to have credibility with a large audience that makes them money.

Controlled opposition is the predictable manipulation tactic of placing key people in key positions and into leadership roles of a particular movement, who many times have suddenly appeared and offered the public incredible facts or amazing nuggets of truth. Maybe it is a pundit personality looking to gather a large online following through disseminating the cabal wars through the QAnon movement. Maybe it’s a guru personality offering DNA activation and the ability to manifest anything you want. As a result of the sensationalism, marketing or other methods to deliver this level of information, they gain power and influence from the amount of people that have gathered, along with the online clicks and money that is spent on their products or watching them at events. Power and influence are forces gathered through which they become a pied piper, a person that is celebrated, worshipped or made into a hero. Seemingly leading gullible people into any direction, when ultimately, they were placed there as a wolf in sheep’s clothing to derail and hijack the original goals of that movement. The strategy of controlled opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack critical thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity.

Deception tactics 101 are used to generate mental fabrications and emotional reactions intended for seizing control, power, benefits and advantages at the victim’s expense. That may be to intentionally spread disinformation or outright lies to stimulate emotional reactions, so people do not use critical thinking in discerning the quality or truthfulness of the information they are being given. The golden rule of deception is management of the other person’s perception, such that they do not know any deception is happening and accept whatever you tell them or spoon feed them as truthful. If we don’t realize that we are being lied to we are at a disadvantage. This blocks out our higher discernment in determining the quality of people and objects that are emanating these combinations of forces that are dark or light, positive or negative, alien or human, or anything else for that matter.

The disclosure movement has been intentionally shaped into the left-brain composite of the branch of alternative researchers and presenters who still operate on the presumption that the scientific method promoted by academia is credible, and attempt to deliver evidence-based information that can be corroborated through multiple parties of expert witnesses. The movement towards disclosure is predominately geared towards those males that are polarized in their mental body and masculine energy, the intellectual profile that rely on the sole basis of their physical body’s five basic senses. If they can see it in the visible light spectrum, well then, they’ll believe it. Thus, the primary profile of key people that are populating the disclosure movement tend to be 3D fact finders and researchers and not direct experiencers, hence many are not primarily interested in spiritual development or expanding consciousness. This provides a blaring blind spot for dark manipulation to incite negative ego behaviors and dominating egos run amok, as the result of gaining some power and influence, where promoting a brand, merchandise or online clicks are more important than actually having personal integrity and delivering high quality truthful assessments of the current conditions we find ourselves in.

In the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure community where large conferences and panels are gaining commercial popularity and increasing profitability, victims and victimizers are generated in those communities like the flavor of the month. From personal experiences and continued observation of key players, back stabbing and two-faced lying are standard fare at these events, along with a large smile flashing right on cue to endear the applauding audience. Most seasoned presenters with some semblance of personal integrity and ethical conduct learn very quickly that the majority of the people on these circuits are not your friends or peer group. They will turn on you quite viciously if you deviate from their approved topics or narratives or if you are perceived as threatening to their power base. Some of the most hostile mind-controlled people are on these panels and in these communities, as many are being directly controlled by the Thothian groups. Thus, they are highly reactive and emotionally explosive when they feel they are being challenged in any way.

Nevertheless, the disclosure event must eventually happen in order to reveal the deceptions, fraud and crimes against humanity made by those humans and nonhumans that have conspired to covertly generate global human slavery and mind control, by implementing the blueprint of the NAA groups for instigating world suffering for the purpose of creating a consciousness prison.

Full Disclosure Event refers to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveals the most detailed scenarios of our true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History. Not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records and enslave the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Humans would be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the Extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments. Additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation programs on planet and off planet. How earth, human resources and technology are used as barter to trade with a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. Full Disclosure Event includes revealing the Power Elite groups and Negative Alien groups that have abused power on earth and are required to restore energetic balance, to make amends for the crimes they have made against humanity.

To stop the targeting of individuals attempting to disseminate the truth by crippling them financially, socially and otherwise, is another reason why disclosure is so important for those of us that seek to know the truth above all. It would remove a huge burden of threats and attacks to those of us under the assorted umbrella of the truth communities that are giving all of our time and energy, that is our life’s work to support full disclosure of this information to be freely given to the earth population. If people were not being lied to, but being re-educated towards the content that includes disclosure, they would be much more open. More open and willing to comprehending the laws of nature and to see how the current death culture was engineered to violate those laws in order to enslave all of humanity. Much of what we see harming people in the world today could be stopped with only critical thinking, common sense and the ability to reduce some selfishness and greed.

Speaking of selfishness and greed, in order to better understand the Thothian Luciferians, the Thoth, Enki, Enlil entities and the Galactic Federation historical timeline tragedies on planet earth, we must go back in time to discover the original meaning behind the title of Lucifer. [1]

Control Over Disclosure Topics

As the collective consciousness rides these electromagnetic waves into Summer, the 3D narratives and the storefronts of the Controllers that weave incredibly complex webs of deceit and lies being peddled through their bribed and blackmailed mainstream puppets, become ever more apparent. To counter the many revelatory truths that are surfacing bits and bobs of disclosure information, the controlling factions are organizing for next level of strategic targeting of all dissent, as well as shutting down any unapproved ascension-disclosure topics. They are desperately employing an array of military grade Psychological Warfare surveillance tools from their secret space program arsenal, in order to capture all forms of media with a next generation attack against the alternative news, truther and UFO movements, as well as any and all content related to new age, ascension and disclosure. The censorship along with the reframing of language and shifting of cultural norms into transhumanism are already incredibly aggressive and about to come to blows, with anything and everything that is being used to distract the masses from accessing any form of unfiltered truth. What has been framed as the western democratic culture that values free speech and personal liberties is being transformed and reformatted for supporting the new NAA culture of Transhumanism. The rise of the new AI hybrid species where social norms are to include an unlimited number of astral attachments, Possessions and entities that can hijack a human body, are being normalized when the host refers to itself as a They-Them. [2]


  1. New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack
  2. Astral Reconstruction

See Also:

Thothian Luciferians

Galactic Federation

Weaponization of the New Age

Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Retrieval of Soul Parts”

“Recent Guardian projects have extended into the astral plane level of reality of the soul matrix timelines, in which exploration of extensive artificial architecture was located and found to be used to harvest loosh and enslave humanity on the soul planes, through assorted ideological systems being reenforced through organizations. These make up extensive organizational structures like corporations, churches, hospitals, medical institutes, internet technology, pharmaceutical companies and many other systems that are used with the negative purpose to control the human collective consciousness via perceptions of reality from the astral and 3D matter planes. Effectively, what has been revealed is that the same massive megacorporation organizational structures that exist on the 3D physical plane have had an exact mirror organization on the astral plane, being run by power mongering human and nonhuman controllers that desire to totally enslave the surface dwellers to maintain their power base in multiple realities. This is another surreal twist in the recent gridworking adventures, as there have been reconnaissance missions to identify, locate and retrieve organic aspects of the soul matrix layers and their timelines, in order to ultimately free beings and begin the spiritual healing of the soul layers of humanity. Thus, many people are undergoing a range of symptom intensity connected to soul matrix layers being healed, cleared, detoxified and reintegrated into the current station of identity on the Earth matter plane. Thus, all master-slave narratives being enforced by religious worship programs with False Alien Gods or other self-appointed authorities abusing power, are being crushed on the astral plane. On a very positive note, the recent ascension events are radically shifting the astral plane and second harmonic universe, which appears as a total astral body reconfiguration. These radical shifts impact the planetary magnetism and are quite destructive to any organizational structures and imposter entities that are promoting deceptions for the purpose of human slavery. It appears that this falsity will eventually be made evident on the Earth surface as these controller organizations on the astral plane have been operating as the mirror reflection from the astral to physical manifestations, in order to capture human souls on this timeline. This master-slave game is over in the planetary architecture and it is our Cosmic Christos Parents that have returned to the matter realm at the end of the ascension cycle in order for it to be so. As we are well aware, this phase is very demanding and difficult for all of us that are committed to the spiritual healing process and doing our best to be in service to planetary liberation.”

~Lisa Renee

Recent Guardian projects have extended into the astral plane level of reality of the soul matrix timelines, in which exploration of extensive artificial architecture was located and found to be used to harvest loosh and enslave humanity on the soul planes, through assorted ideological systems being reenforced through organizations. These make up extensive organizational structures like corporations, churches, hospitals, medical institutes, internet technology, pharmaceutical companies and many other systems that are used with the negative purpose to control the human collective consciousness via perceptions of reality from the astral and 3D matter planes. Effectively, what has been revealed is that the same massive megacorporation organizational structures that exist on the 3D physical plane have had an exact mirror organization on the astral plane, being run by power mongering human and nonhuman controllers that desire to totally enslave the surface dwellers to maintain their power base in multiple realities.

This is another surreal twist in the recent gridworking adventures, as there have been reconnaissance missions to identify, locate and retrieve organic aspects of the soul matrix layers and their timelines, in order to ultimately free beings and begin the spiritual healing of the soul layers of humanity. Thus, many people are undergoing a range of symptom intensity connected to soul matrix layers being healed, cleared, detoxified and reintegrated into the current station of identity on the Earth matter plane. This has surfaced phantom death experiences as the personality ego and soul matrix stations of identity are being unhooked out of these artificial organizations and then reorganized throughout space and time.

Ultimately, the practical effects of this shift in the second harmonic universe layers are the rapid onset of detoxification and purification of astral plane miasmatic effects, caused by the individual identity’s affiliation with many types of belief systems that had been enforcing soul slavery through worshipping, brainwashing, and other forms of mind control systems generally formed with a master-slave narrative.

Thus, all master-slave narratives being enforced by religious worship programs with False Alien Gods or other self-appointed authorities abusing power, are being crushed on the astral plane. Further, as a result it is releasing or removing soul bindings and shifting the placement of the silver cord that connects the soul’s astral energies into the physical body. Soul Bindings or energetic binds are negative energy cords or attachments that are used in a classification of spell-casting, that are intended to hold back the progress of another person or to suppress the consciousness of another into fear patterns that enslave them into repeating time cycles. These many organizational structures on the astral plane were designed to achieve multiple layers of soul bindings through many different insertions of false or deceptive ideologies, one prime example are the enslavement agendas behind organized religions such as Mormonism and the Church of Rome. The extensive architecture of the Vatican necropolis was sprawling upon the astral plane, in which soul harvesting and many dimensional doorways from these phantom pockets were being accessed from the demonic portalling, occurring with SRA blood rituals of typhon tunnels and soul bindings at this particular demographic location.

However, a person need not be a black magician to cast bindings, these are energetic hexes that can be transmitted through sending the negative energy of oppression, hatred or curses of negativity to another person. We can see the younger generations being taught to hate anyone that opposes their dogmatic ideologies, which are implanted thoughtforms being hooked into these astral reality organizations. What can happen is that the trauma wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate from one of these astral organizational hierarchies that is vibrating at a particular level that is a match to whatever that trauma wound is that can be exploited inside of an individual. So, let’s say there is a traumatic psycho-spiritual event, where someone was a child victim of abuse, or at some point in their life the person underwent some experience of abuse. If that abuse energy is not healed through forgiveness, and then cleared and moved out through the body it creates a vulnerability and can be used as a back door. That person probably splintered off soul parts and dissociated from that trauma timeline, and these sneaky black magicians can create cording or soul binding that connects into the original timeline of the traumatic event.

This soul binding for loosh harvesting between the astral plane structures and the physical plane structures are being addressed during this phase, as many are undergoing painful revisits to previous trauma memories in order to unhook from these astral bindings that harmed the soul layers.

It has been common that black magicians could manipulate, tweak or run energy into these cords and bindings from the astral plane in order to exploit that person’s trauma on this timeline. Obviously, most people have no idea this dark manipulation is coming from some outer force influencing them without their consent or awareness. Further, the person could be easily triggered into painful memories and visions of who they believe is the bad guy oppressor, but in actuality the negative emotions and pain are being associated to some situation on the matter plane that is totally unrelated to the original source of the trauma. This is a form of dark force manipulation that uses astral bindings to generate trauma-based projections on the matter plane, in which the traumatized individual will assign blame to unrelated individuals that they can see in their environment and then make them the cause of their pain. This is one of the sophisticated ways these astral entities can hijack people’s thoughts, behaviors and actions by exploiting their unhealed trauma and manipulating them through fear and pain to blame others that are actually unrelated to their trauma, where this confusion serves the astral slavery agendas.

Clearly many spiritual healers, lightworkers and Starseed people have undergone these strange events many times, as this is a common warfare tactic to project blame upon those of us being targeted in this way. This gets groups believing that others are dark and evil, because their unhealed pain is being manipulated by black magicians on the astral, and they need a safe target to project upon or transfer their unwanted and painful thoughts. It is easier to blame another person for unwanted and unpleasant emotions from past trauma, then to actually take responsibility for one’s emotions by placing effort on personal spiritual healing and negative ego clearing.

On a very positive note, the recent ascension events are radically shifting the astral plane and second harmonic universe, which appears as a total astral body reconfiguration. These radical shifts impact the planetary magnetism and are quite destructive to any organizational structures and imposter entities that are promoting deceptions for the purpose of human slavery. It appears that this falsity will eventually be made evident on the Earth surface as these controller organizations on the astral plane have been operating as the mirror reflection from the astral to physical manifestations, in order to capture human souls on this timeline. This master-slave game is over in the planetary architecture and it is our Cosmic Christos Parents that have returned to the matter realm at the end of the ascension cycle in order for it to be so. As we are well aware, this phase is very demanding and difficult for all of us that are committed to the spiritual healing process and doing our best to be in service to planetary liberation.

~via Astral Reconstruction

LISA RENEE: “Be Aware of Imposters and Stolen Identities”

“An imposter is a person or entity who pretends to be someone else, and many of them use many advanced technologies as a means of disguise to cloak and hide their actual identity from others. Humanity has the complex problem of facing the imposters, clones, stolen identities and name stealers, that are working their nonhuman agendas for enforcing consciousness slavery at multiple dimensions of reality. From this position in the timeline, we are dealing with holographic inserts, mind control implants, alien cube systems and hybrid genetic manipulation which are used at all levels of dimensionalized hierarchies by these lunar entities, to trick and deceive us in ways that most surface humans are totally unaware of at this time. Disguises can be sophisticated, such as implanting thoughts in the form of egoic manipulation to exploit personal emotional wounding in order to get individuals and groups to push certain agendas, without awareness they are being used as dark portals or pawns to attack those working for supporting human liberation. We were tricked into believing the many imposters on this Earth had the same values and purpose of benevolence and love for humanity, when their overall hidden motivation has been to enslave, hurt and harm us. We will see this revelation of the impostor spirit and false parent ripple through all aspects of our societal leadership, including the many public people we had trusted that were being bribed and blackmailed to continually lie to us. We must use discernment and take some care to flush out imposters, liars and manipulators, those that use disguises in order to manipulate others for divide and conquer, or to gain financial or social advantages that promote their selfish agendas. Thus, it is wise to always remember that things on the outer are not what they seem to be.”

~Lisa Renee

As a reminder, it is important to know the basis of information warfare includes an incredibly sophisticated use of imposters to trick and mislead the public. They disguise themselves with an energy signature or name that they have stolen from the real identity, using it to rebrand or hijack the symbolic meaning of that word. An imposter is a person or entity who pretends to be someone else, and many of them use many advanced technologies as a means of disguise to cloak and hide their actual identity from others. Humanity has the complex problem of facing the imposters, clones, stolen identities and name stealers, that are working their nonhuman agendas for enforcing consciousness slavery at multiple dimensions of reality. It is a common problem that many of us that are working at a planetary gridwork level, to manifest the timeline for disclosure events and to help free the human race from slavery by the imposter entities, are being cloned and replicated on the astral plane. Our images and names are stolen for the purpose of manipulating other humans for divide and conquer agendas, that are not as sophisticated in discerning the difference.

There are a massive number of imposters that use stolen names and spiritual titles throughout the Earth plane, as well as a host of imposter spirits that inhabit the interdimensional planes and use artificial machinery in order to present themselves as Christ Consciousness. Authentic Christ Consciousness is not integrated with AI signals or artificial machinery and is the antithesis of employing synthetic chemicals and technologically induced transhumanism. From this position in the timeline, we are dealing with holographic inserts, mind control implants, alien cube systems and hybrid genetic manipulation which are used at all levels of dimensionalized hierarchies by these lunar entities, to trick and deceive us in ways that most surface humans are totally unaware of at this time. Disguises can be sophisticated, such as implanting thoughts in the form of egoic manipulation to exploit personal emotional wounding in order to get individuals and groups to push certain agendas, without awareness they are being used as dark portals or pawns to attack those working for supporting human liberation. Just because some individuals think they hold a higher consciousness and they are not experiencing the direct impacts and effects of the hot spiritual warfare, does not mean that others on this awakening path are not. There are many benevolent light beings on this planet in human form that specifically incarnated with the spiritual mission to be the groundcrew organizing for the teams on multiple dimensions of reality. To reach the larger truth of the bigger picture, one must be fearless and fully at one with the God source, in order to see that the spiritual warfare and imposter clones on the Earth are very real.

The imposter spirit energy was inserted and imprinted as our False Father God and Dark Mother, and these lunar based entities became the authoritative parents as archetypal forces used to manipulate and control humanity. When this awareness is finally revealed to us, it will contain painful spiritual betrayals that will be experienced as solar quakes in our heart and soul, due to the fact that we were lied to and manipulated in such completely deceitful ways. During the timelines of the impostor NAA invasion, the false father and false mother acted as the False Parents, which has manifested distortions physically, ancestrally, genetically and energetically (spiritually) throughout our sense of identity. Without our true spiritual identity and being incarnated into an enslaved reality deception, humanity has existed in a severe identity crisis, unaware of its purpose, unaware of being enslaved and interfered with in its inner source and spiritual connection.

We were tricked into believing the many imposters on this Earth had the same values and purpose of benevolence and love for humanity, when their overall hidden motivation has been to enslave, hurt and harm us. We will see this revelation of the impostor spirit and false parent ripple through all aspects of our societal leadership, including the many public people we had trusted that were being bribed and blackmailed to continually lie to us. Thus, we will need to be strong spiritually and in our personal faith in order to be able to see the authentic truth, which is the source of our ultimate spiritual freedom. The impostor spirit has hidden inside our schools, governments, hospitals, infected our careers, leaders, family members, the things we hold most sacred and finally, those lies may have found dark dwellings even inside of us.

Thus, it is wise to always remember that things on the outer are not what they seem to be.

We must use discernment and take some care to flush out imposters, liars and manipulators, those that use disguises in order to manipulate others for divide and conquer, or to gain financial or social advantages that promote their selfish agendas. Simultaneously, we have to prepare ourselves to be strong enough to allow the truth to be revealed to us, to not punish others or be offended when they are sharing their version of the truth as they know it. Recently, there has been a push to manipulate and discredit the meaning of terms that are connected to the Ascension Glossary lexicon as these terms are appearing in more of the mainstream media, terms such as Christos, Elohim, Dragon Kings, Black Sun, and others. Clearly there is an attempt to change and twist the meaning of these words in the hidden human history and then to associate the meaning to something else that is either discredited, obfuscated or being redirected to serve the kabbalah-cabal interests of the NAA. There are multiple layers of information warfare directed to the terms, words and philosophies that have been traditionally called Christian or associated with Christ. Much of what has been promoted as Gnosticism, New Age Christ Consciousness, and bible based Christian Religions are false teachings exploited by the anti-Christ forces posing as the False Alien Gods that say they are the bringers of light, love and peace as long as you worship them.

~via Astral Reconstruction