LAURIE BARRACO: “4 Symptoms Of An Overstimulated Pineal Gland And How To Soothe It”

Developing your intuition is an important part of personal development. Intuition helps us trust our decisions, keep us safe and protected and keeps us aligned with our purpose here on planet Earth.

A common issue many encounter as they are developing their third eye (intuitive center) is that they overstimulate their pineal gland and do not create a strong foundation for the energy to build upon. You can say that they are top heavy. The upper chakras are receiving a lot of attention through psychic development exercises.

It is equally as important for you to pay attention and stimulate your other 5 chakras — throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. The pineal gland becomes overstimulated as a result of these exercises.

Next, you begin to experience the 4 common symptoms of an overstimulated pineal gland. The pineal gland is located in the third eye center of the body. It helps us connect with other dimensions as well as our ability to predict the future.

4 symptoms of An Overstimulated Pineal Gland

  • Difficulty in concentrating, struggling to stay focused
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision, pressure in the eyes, sensitivity to light
  • Insomnia

What You Can Do To Soothe an Overstimulated Pineal Gland

  • Rub a grounding oil on your third eye. Patchouli, peppermint, sandalwood, chamomile, frankincense and or blue tansy will bring relief.
  • Cover your third eye with either a hat, bandana and or a bindi.
  • Avoid fluoride!
  • Placing a crystal like tiger’s eye, hematite, amethyst, or fluorite on your third eye will help soothe an overstimulated pineal gland.
  • Schedule a Reiki, cranio sacral healing session.
  • Hugging a tree will help you ground the energy into the Earth.
  • Eat root foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, dark chocolate, and or protein.
  • Do some yoga or breath work exercises. This will move the chi through your energy centers.
  • Avoid crowds for a few days.

Each and every one of us has psychic gifts and these gifts vary from person to person. We do ourselves a disservice when we compare our growth to others. Some people have clairvoyant abilities from birth and some of us have to work at it a little harder. Your psychic abilities will increase when you are good and ready. Being impatient and trying to rush the process will only cause you to be out of balance and experience some of the symptoms I have mentioned above.

Take your time, enjoy the process and let go of your expectations of how and when you will be able to achieve your goals. Your gifts will be online when the time is just right for you. Patience and trust are part of the development process.



3 thoughts on “LAURIE BARRACO: “4 Symptoms Of An Overstimulated Pineal Gland And How To Soothe It”

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

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  2. Chronicallyundiagnosed

    Thank you for this post. I know I have been experiencing this.

    Liked by 1 person

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